
Showing posts from August, 2012

Eligibility Meetings. Paperwork without personality.

“No Questions or Comments please.” Ever walk out of an Eligibility meeting and get a sense that it was rushed?  That maybe the academic, cognitive, speech, occupational, and/or behavioral evaluations that were reviewed were skipped over so much that when the question was finally asked, " Any questions ,"  no one really knew what to ask? Are you taking your time to explain and implications of the standard scores & percentiles in the  evaluation report? How do you know? Admin : Hi. Thank you for coming this morning. Today is the Eligibility meeting. I have  an agenda. If you have comments, please talk to me afterwards. We have to stick with the agenda so we can let the teachers go back to their classrooms.  Parents : uh. sure.  Admin : ok. everyone, please introduce yourselves...Now, you've already had the procedural safeguards, right? I think our SSC gave it to you at the SST? or did she send it home with the PWN? Anyhow, if you have any questions,