
Showing posts from September, 2013

504 vs IEP

What is the difference between a Section 504 plan and an IEP: Section 504 Plan: ( Chapter 61) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974  is a FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS LAW   that protects students with disabilities from discrimination. In Hawaii, Chapter 61 (previously Chapter 53) is the Hawaii Administrative Rule that ensures the applicability of § 504 in the public schools and assures a  Free Appropriate Public Education  (FAPE) to eligible students with disabilities. To qualify for a 504 Plan, a student must have a disability that is affecting a major life function. Unlike an IEP, a "major life function" does not have to be educational impact. A student can be doing well academically, but need social skills assistance or organizational skills due to   ADHD. With either plan, a direct connection must be made from the disability to the impairment in school.  A 504 Plan is usually a good option when the student is able to function well in a regular education environm