
Showing posts from January, 2014

Masterbation: Self Stimulating Behaviors At School

SELF STIMULATING BEHAVIORS AT SCHOOL.  Underwear Matters.  Trust me on this.  Over the past couple years, I have had numerous teachers shyly approach me for consultation, looking for strategies on for their students who are engaging in "self-stimulation" during class, at school, and even on field-trips. In one case, just finding the appropriate pair of underwear solved the problem. Basketball shorts and no underwear was not working out so well... but once discussed, it was a trail and error and a simple fix.  Many times, the teachers biggest concern is how to discuss the problem with the parent. Sometimes the behavior is suspected but not as obvious... But it is always better to have a conversation with the parent as soon as possible. To ignore the issue can be extremely problematic and can create habits that later will be difficult to break.  I think it is important to be mindful of parents cultures when bringing up the topic with them. Initially, it's easier w