
Showing posts from December, 2018

When should a student qualify for a 504 plan vs an IEP?

Which is better, a 504 Plan or an IEP? Lately, I've sat in a number of meetings where a student's eligibility for Special Education is on the fence.  This is a question I often hear in the schools and see in message boards: Which is better a 504 Plan or an IEP? That' s a hard question to answer, because they both serve different purposes and have their own strengths. In a broad sense, they are both detailed plans, created by the school and parents to outline how a student with a disability will learn. A 504 Plan and an IEP are both intended to protect a student with a disability to ensure that they are learning in the least restrictive environment. A 504 Plan and an IEP also have unique differences. The way in which a student qualifies for services under each plan is a major difference. It is more difficult to qualify for special education services and receive an IEP. A student must meet criteria under one of the categories of special education. A student can