
Showing posts from December, 2019

Teaching tolerance and compassion between colleagues.

* I found this article very interesting and relevant to my field....  Abuse of Power Most bullying prevention is aimed at students. 
What happens when adults are the aggressors?   ALAN MCEVOY ISSUE 48, FALL 2014 TEACH THIS IN A LEARNING PLAN   email   facebook   t BULLYING; BIAS A cherished belief runs deep in our psyches: A belief in the compassion of teachers whose heroic efforts transform the lives of students. There is truth in the narratives that support this view, but there is also a darker side to this mythos. In a small minority of teachers, an ugly undercurrent of mean-spirited and disdainful conduct toward students also exists. This conduct constitutes a corruption of the role of educator and does enormous damage to students, colleagues and the public’s faith in schools My personal interest in the phenomenon of teachers who bully has its roots in childhood experiences with a few teachers and coaches who waged a daily reign of terror over