
Showing posts from September, 2010

The Big Move. Flying Solo.

Beginning my career as a School Psychologist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will never forget the feeling I had walking off that plane last year. It was a Thursday in late July, 2009 and I was terrified, excited, and well...lost (in more ways than one ).  I didn't know one person in Hawaii, only friends of friends.  I got off the plane with two large suitcases. That's it. No one was there to pick me up or greet me...   I didn't know where I was going to live and was relying entirely on a housing ad for shelter... Honolulu School District introduced me to the "Spirit of Aloha" when they sent Lynette, Honolulu's head School Psychologist. She met me at the airport, helped me with my car rental (my first time EVER renting a car), and then I followed her to the address I had found online (craigslist) to a room I was potentially going to move into.   I was astounded..where else you