
Showing posts from February, 2011

Stressed out? Dance it Off.

IEP meetings stressing you out? Try dancing... Trust me. It's research based. :) KT

February: High School Food Fights & Helicopter's at my school

Hi there!! So, February has been one interesting month so far. Between the food fight at Kaiser High School (which by the way, was reported on the local and national news! see below) and the helicopter landing at Koko Head , my complex has kept me on my toes.------------------------- Planned food fight sends spaghetti flying at Kaiser High - Hawaii News Now 2/8/11: At Kaiser, a planned food fight left the cafeteria a mess and administrators on a mission to find out who was behind the chaos. The high school students may not even realize or appreciate that they have one of the only air conditioned cafeterias in the state.  The 1,100 students had to eat lunch outside for the rest of the week. Principal John Sosa sent the following letter home to parents informing them of the incident and pledging to track down who was involved: February 8, 2011 Kaiser High School Students, Parents, Staff  ------------------------- This letter is to inform everyone that there was a major incide