February: High School Food Fights & Helicopter's at my school

Hi there!!

So, February has been one interesting month so far. Between the food fight at Kaiser High School (which by the way, was reported on the local and national news! see below) and the helicopter landing at Koko Head, my complex has kept me on my toes.-------------------------
Planned food fight sends spaghetti flying at Kaiser High - Hawaii News Now

2/8/11: At Kaiser, a planned food fight left the cafeteria a mess and administrators on a mission to find out who was behind the chaos. The high school students may not even realize or appreciate that they have one of the only air conditioned cafeterias in the state.  The 1,100 students had to eat lunch outside for the rest of the week. Principal John Sosa sent the following letter home to parents informing them of the incident and pledging to track down who was involved:

February 8, 2011

Kaiser High School Students, Parents, Staff
This letter is to inform everyone that there was a major incident of a food "fight" in the cafeteria during the lunch period today that involved many students.This incident will be investigated thoroughly and appropriate consequences will be levied upon any student found to be involved with any aspect of this unfortunate event. A disruption such as this is considered a Class B Offense under Disorderly Conduct.  This type of disorderly conduct is not only inappropriate, but it is dangerous.

We want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that it is a privilege to be able to utilize a comfortable, air conditioned venue such as the Kaiser High School cafeteria. There are many campuses in our state that does not even have a cafeteria for students to enjoy. We expect our students to make better decisions and have pride in themselves, their school and their families. We would like to ask any student who has knowledge of the planning, execution or participation in today's behavior, come forward and report any such knowledge to administration or the Safety Manager.

The cafeteria will be closed to student dining for the remainder of the week. It will be open for students to come through to get their lunches, however all meals will need to be eaten outside of the cafeteria. We will review the improvement of student behavior as it relates to civility, positive decorum, living up to behavioral expectations and the disposing of all trash into the proper receptacles. The cafeteria will be reopening on Monday, February 14th pending the above review of student behavior over the rest of this week.  If you have any questions regarding this incident, please contact anyone in administration or our school safety manager.
Thank you,
Mr. John Sosa Principal

I'll have to fill you in on the helicopter landing at Koko Head later.... 

<3  KT


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