
Showing posts from September, 2019

How school psychologists and teachers can support students who have lost a classmate-grief (death of a classmate)

T IPS FOR TEACHERS  Suggestions for Helping Students 1. Be prepared for tears. Crying is a normal and healthy reaction, even though it may make you or some students uncomfortable.  2. Recognize that some students who are traumatized most by this news may be very quiet or seem to be in a daze. Be alert to this possibility and have someone bring these students to the counseling office.  3. Send grieving students to the counseling office. A counselor or a teacher will be there to assist them.  4. During the day, you may, if you wish, let your students discuss this event or allow them to write about their feelings.  5. Just listening to students express their feelings and responding to the “hurt” is helpful.  Supportive responses include:  “I can see that you are really hurting”  “It is very hard to accept the death of someone you knew well.”  “I know…it just seems unbelievable.”  The following types of responses usually are  not  helpful:  “You will feel bett