Thousands Return To Schools

Students From Closed School Attend New Campuses

About 170,000 of Hawaii's students head back to class Monday fort the start of the new school year.

Hawaii public schools not on a year-round track return for the beginning of the year.

For students who attended Queen Liliuokalani Elementary School, it is a start at new schools. The Department of Education closed the campus after the last school year because of a drop in enrollment. Those students now attend other nearby elementary schools.

It's a transition for teachers and staff as well. A handful of former QLS employees are also starting a new school year at Liholiho Elementary, including kindergarten teacher Katie Muller.
"It's been a really warm feeling from staff, the principal, everyone has been really warm and welcoming to us," said Muller.

"Always, the first day is always full of excitement, meeting new classmates, meeting new teachers," said Liholiho principal Christina Small.

Gov. Neil Abercrombie is giving a speech to the freshman class of Leilehua High School in Central Oahu. Abercrombie planned to address students in the school's gym during their freshman orientation Monday.

Leilehua Principal Samiann "Aloha" Coleman was named the MetLife/National Association of Secondary School Principals Hawaii High School Principal of the Year in May.

Teachers returned to school last week. They are working under a state-imposed 5-percent pay cut and an increase in medical insurance costs.

Last month, the state declared an impasse in negotiations with the Hawaii State Teachers Association and imposed a two-year contract that reduces pay by 1.5 percent and eliminates pay on non-instructional days.

The union protested and filed a complaint. The hearing on the labor complaint is scheduled for Friday morning at the Hawaii Labor Relations Board Room.

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