Happy New Year!! Is Hawaii in your future?

Happy New Year Hawaii!
I've been ready to wrap up 2011 and begin a new year, make some goals (that I'll likely keep until March) and look forward into the future. Sadly, the Honolulu District has lost co-workers who go home (mainland) for the holidays and don't come back to Hawaii.

It's not only school employees who are getting island fever though... My little brother has also managed to throw in the towel on school, UH Manoa--leaving his car, a messy rented room, and a trail of panic behind him. (((SIGH)))

So--Living in Hawaii isn't a piece of cake? Hardly. It's a lot of shifting. A lot of shifting that sometimes feels like we're going backwards... and when you are moving to Hawaii from the mainland--it's a difficult transition to make, one that not everyone is cut out for.

Well future Hawaii residents,

there is an amazing website that you must check out. It has EVERYTHING!! where to live, how much stuff costs, how to get a job, what to do in your spare time, yada yada yada.


Hope you all have a great year. Aloha.


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