HELP! Family Training and resources for children with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome

School is out! Glorious!!

For most families this means going on vacation, relaxing at the beach or the pool, and organizing play dates with the neighborhood kids....and mainly just entertaining your kids and making sure that they don't get into trouble.

For families who have a child with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome, summer can be just as exciting---as long as families are prepared with a transition plan. 

During the school year, students are provided with a predictable schedule, and their unique needs and behavior difficulties are supported with behavior plans, accommodations, and interventions through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan. 

How can parents prepare for summer? 

1)  ESY (Extended School Year):  Parents may consider ESY for their child if they have documented regression of academic or behavior skills when they are away from the school setting for long periods of time. 

2) Social Stories! Parents can ask their child's special education teacher for help with creating a social story that is age appropriate and personalized for the end of the year activities and getting them ready for a change in schedule.  
"Friday is our last day of school. During summer, I will get to play with some of my friends during Summer Fun. I will have a new schedule and new teacher. " 

3) Keep a routine: One of the best ways to reduce a child's anxiety about a new schedule and new routine is to have a predictable routine that will encourage learning and good behavior. 

4) Prepare for next year: parents can find out what their child will be learning next year and work on academics for an hour or two every day (depending on their grade level). This will help them transition into the new school year and feel prepared. 

5) Visit their new campus: Also, parents may want to take their child to the campus if they are going from elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school. 

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